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Gender responsiveness

Gender responsiveness

Gender mainstreaming in this project is both gender responsive, by embedding women’s perspectives, and the necessary safeguards and considerations to ensure that existing inequalities due to poverty, and social exclusion (religious and indigenous minorities) are not exacerbated, but also gender transformative, in the sense that it addresses root causes of vulnerability and structural barriers to climate resilience, and challenges the norms around the gendered distribution of labour and constraints in regards to land tenure and participation in community decision-making, which are central to building resilience.

The project aims to create a paradigm shift that transforms extreme poor women in costal Bangladesh from primarily a vulnerable group that suffers disproportionately from climate change to agents of change in climate change adaptation, with greater access to resources and productive assets. This project is addressing the women beneficiaries’ unpaid burden of work i.e., the collection of water which often takes 2.5 hours for women in the target districts.

The project is addressing the unequal gender relations in the targeted communities through the Gender-responsive training, workshops and community sensitization meeting to bring the changes in conventional norms and behavior for women to support them for being engaged in projects livelihood activities.