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The Independent Evaluation Unit (IEU) of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) has started the Learning-Oriented Real-Time Impact Assessment (LORTA) programme to be able to keep track of GCF projects in terms of performance and results and to enhance learning within the GCF.

The purpose of the Impact Evaluation(IE) is to measure the change in GCA key result areas that can be attributed to project activities. The LORTA programme will inform on returns on GCF investments and help GCF projects track implementation fidelity. The IE will be a clustered phase-in design, whereby the clusters are UPs. In this setup, all eligible households will eventually receive treatment as planned. The only deviation from the original plan is that treatment is rolled out to several groups of eligible households progressively. The evaluation team proposes a rollout in two phases, whereby the LH interventions will be implemented only in the first group during Phase 1 and extended to the second group during Phase 2.

Table: Possible phase-in of LH interventions with two groups


Treatment Group

Comparison Group


Group 1

No. of UPs: 25

No. of wards: 65*

No. of LH beneficiaries: 16,340**

Group 2

No. of UPs: 14

No. of wards: 36*

No. of LH beneficiaries: 9,150**


Group 1 + Group 2

No. of UPs: 39

No. of wards: 101

No. of LH beneficiaries: 25,490


Note: *Estimated before randomization based on the average number of wards per UP. ** Estimated before randomization based on the average number of LH beneficiaries per UP.

Source: C4ED, based on beneficiary lists shared by the project.


Information policies

This Policy is based on the following principles:

  • Principle 1: Maximize access to information. GCA reaffirms its commitment to transparency in all of its activities and therefore seeks to maximize access to any documents and information that it produces and to information in its possession that is not on the list of exceptions as set out in its Policy.
  • Principle 2: Limited exceptions. Any exceptions to disclosure will be predicated upon the possibility, narrowly and clearly defined, that the potential harm to individuals, interests, entities or parties arising from the disclosure of information would outweigh the benefits, that GCA is legally obliged to non-disclosure or has received information from third parties clearly marked as confidential. GCA may, in exceptional circumstances, decide not to disclose or delay dissemination of information that would normally be accessible if it determines that the harm that might occur by doing so will outweigh the benefits of access.
  • Principle 3: Simple and broad access to information. GCA will employ all practical means to facilitate access to information, maximize access to such information, and use clear and cost-effective procedures and timelines for processing requests.
  • Principle 4: Explanations of decisions and right to review. When denying access to information on request GCA will provide an explanation for its decision.

Public Access and Request for Information

  • As a matter of principle, GCA will share the majority of the information in its possession with stakeholders and the public at large, either proactively or upon request, subject to specified exceptions to presumed disclosure.
  • Information about GCA: List of documents with download links: